Assisted Living

More than 1.2 million persons living in over 30,000 assisted living accommodations. Assisted living facilities help individuals who require very little daily assistance. The individuals are those who require minimal assistance, medical attendance, or periodic skilled nursing care.

Basic assisted living options allow its residents to own pets and visitors can to stay for a couple of days. These facilities could be temporary or they could be more long-term housing. Additional benefits include:

  • personal care assistance
  • three healthy meals a day
  • 24/7 emergency assistance
  • exercise and educational activities
  • housekeeping and maintenance
  • laundry service
  • transportation
  • wellness programs
  • organized recreational activities

An assisted living facility allows seniors to feel like they are at home without the worry of cleaning, cooking, trying to grocery shop, clean or make their own bed. Additional benefits in assisted adult living options include living arrangements.

Assisted adult living options further includes furnished apartments or unfurnished apartments. Different types of apartments include private studios, one-bedroom private or shared, and dormitory-style rooms.

Adult living facilities are designed to help individuals remain as independent as possible giving them the dignity, privacy, and safety that all human beings deserve. If an assisted adult individual becomes incapacitated, they are allowed to continue living at the facility and receive assistance. Even if one of the residents must be hospitalized for a short period of time, they can be readmitted to the facility.

Nearly every U.S. state has assisted residential living arrangements for their aging citizens. When looking for assisted living options with the best benefits for your loved ones, consider facilities that have been existence for a while, meaning experience. Look at their state rating, can their certification, training, and healthcare skills meet the requirements of your loved one.

Assisted adult care facilities are not federally regulated. However, each state has its own regulations on how an assisted living facility is both licensed and maintained. Each state has different rules and regulations on meals, staffing personnel, and more.

To find the right professional living options for your loved ones, inquire about the type of professional staff that is employed there. For example, the type of professional staff members working at an assisted living facility include administrators, certified nurse assistant, and dietary specialists.

Also, therapists, physicians, and security features. If professional healthcare personnel like doctors are not at the facility at all times, the facility should have their phone contact immediately on hand and can call them without any interruptions.

Like everything in life, taking care of an aging loved one is a loving expense. Assisted living options and their benefits are a private pay expense. One of the greatest benefits in providing the right living options for your loved ones is that your family member will receive great medical, physical, and mental healthcare.

It is understandable that moving an aging family member from their home to an assisted living facility is difficult. However, if you have noticed drastic changes in their ability to remain independent than there are many assisted living options with great benefits that would help to restore their confidence and overall well-being.